Thursday, December 07, 2006

David Yeagley: "The Word Nigger Should Stay"

Nothing I say could show Yeagley to be more of a racist than to simply quote his own words, two long editorials of his defending the use of the word nigger and claiming those opposing use of the word are "like Muslims." (Which, to a bigot like him, is a horrible thing.):

"Some media people have been writing 'n-gg-r' instead of 'nigger,' as if leaving out the vowels some how ameliorates the guilt of using the word, or entirely releases them from using the horrid word. This is a curious thing. We must realize, again, 'nigger' is not holy. That media writers would handle the word in a way similar to the way a holy word, the name of God, is handled in Jewish tradition, is a remarkable thing.

'Nigger' is not the opposite of God. 'Nigger' does not mean Satan, either. Why is 'nigger' being given such incredible consideration? What kind of neurosis is evident in this utterly artifical empowerment of the word 'nigger?'

'Nigger' is not a newly invented slang to try and mollify or detract from something else.

'Nigger' is a historical term, which never meant anything other than what it means to day, in fact, it meant much less, if anything. It was a lazy way of saying Negro. That's all.…

The word 'nigger' is not holy. It is not sacred.

It is very hard not to say what one feels. It is not likely that a man will refrain from saying what's on his mind. To 'get along' in the world, we generally put a curb on our words, but, to someone, in some circumstance, somewhere, we will say what we feel. We have to, in order to live with ourselves....

This appears to be about perfectionism--the perfection of control over others, the perfection of tyranny, and mean spirited human relations...

Attorneys have become like a swarm of Africanized bees, or a plague of viral infections, a horde of invading gloomists. They are like Muslims, in fact. They aren't protecting the law, they are morphing it. They are making it into something it was never meant to be. They make it a power game--power over you. That's what it's about.

Maybe the word 'nigger' should stay. It should be carefully defined, and refined, and it should remain--as a testimony to the intent of law, and not as the bread and butter of vainglorious, self-righteous attorneys.

'Nigger' should be used when and only when appropriate. It is a word. It exists. It has meaing[sic].

...there can't be any law against it. You can't make laws against natural aversions, only hate. Sound like oppression to me.…

Well, then, let's be Christians. Otherwise, we'll all soon be Muslims."

His second editorial defending the word, at the same link:

"No one is going to come out and say it, so will have to do the dirty job.

'Nigger' used to mean just a Negro, a servant, or 'slave.' Today, 'nigger' means unwanted, repulsive, and disgusting. Nigger means everything that is despised. Nigger means vehement and utter rejection. …

To call a person a nigger today means you don't want to look at him, you don't want to hear him, you don't want him around you, and you don't want anything to do with him. Nigger means all that no one wants. It can refer to physical appearance and all its aspects; it can refer to character and behavior, style and 'culture.' It can refer to language, manner of speaking, or any and all aspects of being a human person.…

Gloria Allred loves 'niggers.' Gloria Allred loves to have Negroes remain slaves to the opinion of others...Give Gloria Allred a Negro, especially a young male, and she will make a 'nigger' out of him. She will make him unwanted, repulsive, and disgusting...

Aren't there any black leaders out there that care at all?

...They aren't men. They aren't full human beings, yet. "


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