Saturday, June 23, 2007

Yeagley Joins Infamous Group of Racists, Anti Semites, and Conspiracy Extremists

Yeagley recently announced:

"I have recently been added to the John Birch Society's speakers list.

This is an interesting development. I learned a lot from the Oklahoma City chapter of the JBS. (Clark Curey is quite a teacher!)

I am greatly honored to be considered worthy by the JBS. I hope I shall not prove a liability to them. They are exceedingly careful in their communications and plans, however. That gives me great confidence.

Their magazine, The New American, is one of the most balance, carefully researched, and reliable sources of social and political news available in English. The JBS supports the U.S. Constitution, neither the Democrat nor the Republican, nor the Independent political parties. The JBS is not about party politics. It keeps a steady watch on how the parties relate to the U.S. Constitution."

Much like Yeagley has repeatedly lied about being Comanche, lied about being a professional scholar, lied about his reason for being fired from a university, and lied about being a conservative, Yeagley can't resist lying about one of the most notorious groups in American history, a collection of conspiracy theorists, extreme fundamentalists, racists, and anti Semites.

How extreme are the Birchers?

The infamous John Birch Society, nearly twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, still see "Communists" in every corner and under their beds at night.

They are probably best known for claiming fluoridated water is a Communist conspiracy.

And not just fluroidated water. The Birchers also say Elvis, the Beatles, all other Rock music, dancing, tight skirts, marijuana, public schools, "race mixing," civil rights, and even the Girl Scouts are all part of the Communist conspiracy.

Famous conservatives like Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush Sr. have also been accused by Birchers of being Communists.

They even repeatedly accused conservative Republican President Dwight Eisenhower (who also commanded Allied forces in Europe during World War II) of being a Communist.

"Robert Welch introduced the idea of the John Birch Society at an Indianapolis meeting he convened on December 9, 1958 of 12 "patriotic and public-spirited" men. The first chapter was founded a few months later in February 1959.

....According to Welch, both the US and Soviet governments are controlled by the same furtive conspiratorial cabal of internationalists, greedy bankers, and corrupt politicians. If left unexposed, the traitors inside the US government would betray the country's sovereignty to the United Nations for a collectivist new world order managed by a "one-world socialist government."

....In 1952 Welch wrote May God Forgive Us, a study alleging "subversive influences" by government officials and their allies to shape "public opinion and governmental policies to favor the Communist advance."

...Welch added was an "uncompromising conspiracy theory of world events, one that blamed domestic rather than foreign enemies for the spread of communism."

According to the JBS theory...liberals and their allies must actually be secret communist traitors whose ultimate goal is to replace the nations of western civilization with one-world socialist government....

As Welch put it, "This is a world-wide battle, between light and darkness; between freedom and slavery; between the spirit of Christianity and the spirit of anti-Christ for the souls and bodies of men."

...he wrote, "Somewhere at the top of the pyramid in the invisible government are a few sinister people who know exactly what they are doing: They want America to become part of a worldwide socialist dictatorship, under the control of the Kremlin."

In a 1966 speech, Welch coined the name "The Insiders" to describe the leaders of the conspiracy.

...Welch's famous book, The Politician, caused a stir even among many loyal Birch members who were shocked by Welch's assertion that President Dwight D. Eisenhower was "a dedicated conscious agent of the communist conspiracy."

...According to a 1967 personal letter from Welch to retired General James A. Van Fleet inviting him to serve on the Birch National Council:

"Five years ago, few people who were thoroughly familiar with the main divisions of Communist strategy saw any chance of keeping the Negro Revolutionary Movement from reaching decisive proportions."

...It was often crude and sometimes violent, treating Black people in particular as second-class citizens, most of whom had limited intelligence and little ambition. In Alan Stang's book published by the JBS, It's Very Simple: The True Story of Civil Rights, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is portrayed as an agent of a massive communist conspiracy to agitate among otherwise happy Negroes to foment revolution....

The Birch Society promoted the book None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen who included a dubious discussion of the Rothschilds and other Jewish banking interests as part of a sketch of a much larger conspiracy involving financial and political elites and the Council on Foreign Relations....

Allen used insensitive loaded language concerning the "cosmopolitan" nature of the "international bankers."

...He included a hyperbolic and inaccurate assessment of the role of the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and other Jews compared to the non-Jewish banking interests that grew along with industrial capitalism. The problem was unintentional, but still real, and the stereotype of a Jewish establishment was clearer in Allen's other work.

...In a similar fashion the Society promoted conspiracist theories that involved mild antisemitism, and Welch once buttressed his claims of the Illuminati conspiracy by citing notorious British antisemite Nesta Webster.

...Throughout its existence, however, the Society has promoted open homophobia and sexism.

The Society's anti-communism and states rights libertarianism was based on sincere principles, but it clearly served as a cover for organizing by segregationists and White supremacists.

...That the Birch Society clearly attracted members with a more hate-filled (even fascistic) agenda is undeniable, and these more zealous elements used the JBS as a recruitment pool from which to draw persons toward a more neonazi stance on issues of race and culture.

...Welch tried earnestly to recruit another politician to accept the Birch torch-former Alabama Governor George Wallace. [Best known for his Segregation Forever speech.]

...The group's core conspiracism, passionate and aggressive politics, and its labeling by critics as a radical right extremist group tainted by antisemitism and racism, were seen as impediments to successful electoral organizing. The Birch Society became a pariah.

...The eclipsed Birch Society saw its influence dwindle even further after Reagan took office, and further still after they attacked Reagan's policies.

When Robert F. Welch died in 1985, the Birch Society had shrunk to less than 50,000 members. There then ensued an internal struggle over who would grab the reins of the organization. The victors even alienated Welch's widow who denounced the new leadership from her retirement home in Weston, MA."


Blogger Rob said...

Maybe Yeagley will join the Ku Klux Klan's speakers list next.

12:13 AM  

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