Monday, January 19, 2009

Did Yeagley Call for the Murder of Barack Obama?

A recent comment left at the site points out that Yeagley practically calls for the assassination of incoming President Obama.

Does Yeagley know something about what his fellow white supremacists may be planning?

Does the Secret Service know about this?

The comment left here describes Yeagley's latest typically racist rant. The relevant comments about Yeagley calling for the murder of Obama are highlighted.


I have NEVER, NEVER viewed his site where he has so little to say, while his past remarks of Michelle and Obama are written for all to see!

1. Trying to spread lies about Obama being Homosexual and doing drugs did not take off, did it?
2. "Black style Ghetto" behavior in White House, just because Michell and Barrack greeted each other lovingly with a cute fist bump!
3. Michelle is quintessentially hypocritical: the level of pretense of those who would fein elitism is egregorous and insufferable.
4. Barrack is Marxist, anything he says that remotely rsembles intelligence is written for him by Marxists.
5. In the case of the Obamas, one thing is clear: THE BLACKING OF AMERICA!
6. Obamas degrades the very idea of the White House!
7. Staking claim to the White House in the name of Race is ignorance, misconception, selfishness, even narcissism, NOTHING COULD BE MORE DENIGRATING!
8. The Obamas represent Racial manipulation, not unity, not harmony, not equality just manipulation for Power, A change for the Worse. Its about personal vindiction of Barrock and Michelle.

This one is strange....."Well personally I don't think the Obamas' are going to get anywhere near the White House," nearly a threat! I would think.

Here we are one day away from the Newly Elected President Obama taking over and yeagley is sittin in his lonely house crumbling around, wailing, and making himself sick him while White America and Black and Brown and Yellow and Off/White which is all races mixed with the mighty White, rejoices in the Victory for a CHANGE, IT'S A "WE" COUNTRY, Yeagley, NOT A WHITE COUNTRY!!!WEECHA!

Yeagley makes a point..that "you do not attack the Host" on his site,(unless you are an Honorable Whitey) leaving none other than ass kissers to post! When your Indian and he finially finds out...he attacks and demands your personal info, then he deletes you, just because you are Indian...the whites can disagree with him and he Honors them...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could be considered a threat, huh.believable considering the white company he prefers, such as the White boys(a hate group).

CNN news is stating that the White Supremist chatter is all over the net, but they said what they need to consider is a "lone wolf", a single individual, does anyone actually know the whereabouts of yeagley, the lone Savage?

It has been pretty quiet over on his blog, but of course, he probably can't quit crying, and blowing his nose! Poor lone Savage. No country, no President, no Tribe, no job, no white woman oops, sorry I got kinda personal!

Oh, "Seal" just got thru singing "A change is gonna come", that man can sing! What a Soulful song, what a soulful man!

I will go to work for three hours tomorrow, but have to take off to see my President put his hand on the "BIBLE" at twelve noone tomorrow!

Everyone have a wonderful day tomorrow, a change is gonna come for us all, a change for the better, it will be an inclusive U.S.of A, sooooo many people expect this, even if you didn't Vote for Obama!

proud Comanche 4/4

12:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its quite ironic that the people he hates the most he claims has offered him a Job at a Black College.....unbievable, can't be possible!!!! Someone alert the Black College!! Another ironic thing is a Black poster who says she is NOT black nor negro but Ethiopian "only", is still hanging on after the disrespect he has shown to her race! What makes her tick???

Two Indian men who were his only allies jumped ship!!!One, Tallsolder, had been quite abusive in the past toward Indian women, vulgar and threatening and stood hand in hand with yeagley when he and betty ann did the same.

Yeagley allowed this despite his blog rules!

I will now call these two men, "Indian Warriors", for finially standing up to yeagley before taking their leave! Yeagleys' uncouth blog against the President comparing him to a chimp was the breaking point.

Now all yeagley has as far as Native American, is the german breed betty ann gross,(who pays all expenses for his speaking engagements in he represents the Comanche....way-away up there far from Comanche Land) and one full blood "Q".

He he never elaborates on these trips and racial meetings. Its embarrasing that he represents the Comanche Nation of course. I find that odd, when he brags extensively on all his other accomplishments. I have to say we Comanche have our Political issues, but our problems are Nothing like the Reservation sioux he and gross claim to be activists for!

Here in Oklahoma he is an activists for the Whites Nation only... gross is grossley mistaken when she thinks HE represents the Native view!

Does anyone know any sioux who knows and accepts this white supremists speaker in their midst?


3:10 PM  
Blogger Dacotahsioux said...

I am an enrolled member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Sioux tribe the same as Betty Ann Gross on Lake Traverse reservation in S. Dakota. I do not live on the rez but live in Illinois. I go back often to visit my family as I will be going next weekend for a visit. I have challenged Betty recently on with regards to her hate for black people. Her racist slurs. She is not a spokesperson for the Dakota people on Lake Traverse. We have enrolled members that are Native American Indian and black. I have a niece that is half black and half Dakota.

I have started writing to different agencies and departments including the the Human Relations Committee in Sioux Falls, S. Dakota where she states on that she is opening a Dakota Civil Rights Office in April. I have emailed them her racists remarks and have asked them to get back with me with regards to my request that she not be involved with any Civil Rights group to help Native American Indians with regards to discrimination when she herself a vehementally hates another minority group. Civil Rights is for everyone not just nds. I told them that she does not represent me or Native American with her hatred but when readers read her remarks whether they be white, black or ndn they will think that all ndns have this hatred too.

I am requesting any help from people on this site to get this woman to quiet her mouth. I have several more people to email. I have saved all her hateful remarks on my computer and if she is going to work for the Civil Rights Office then she is a public person and anything she writes on the internet can be used against her.

I've talked to ndn people on my reservation and they say that she is a crazy woman and many ndns on the also agree she is a very hateful woman and she has been barred from that site.

Just wanted to tell people on this blog what I am doing. And Bevery Isaac (Comanchemoon); I respect you very much.

So far, Yeagley has not barred me from posting on his site. Today I posted my intent to Betty on his site. Have not gone back to visit it because I am doing what I need to do away from that site. I posted this today what Betty has said on

Betty Ann Gross
Advanced Member

Posted - 01/06/2006 : 9:02:48 PM

I cannot tell you who to hate or love. That is an individual choice and for me I hate nyggers with such a strong force that if I were non-native I would join a group like the KKK or Aryans and hunt them down, yes I would.

Betty Ann

Whether she said this then, yesterday or today... she still posts her hate for blacks on - if she is going to hold a public postion - as with the Civil Rights Group - this cannot be tolerated.

Barbara Ann Duggan

1:28 AM  
Blogger Dacotahsioux said...

This is the response I received from the email I sent to the editor of the Sota Iya Ye Yapi newspaper read by our people on the rez.

I have known Betty Gross for many years, and am a friend of her son.

I am shocked at what I am reading and have trouble believing it came from her.

If these are truly her words, I am really sorry to hear them.

This is NOT the sentiment of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate as I know them.

C.D. Floro
Sota Editor

When I go to Sisseton next weekend I will show her those words she wrote and other comments that she has written about Black people on

I did email her back and told to to go to where she can read for herself what Betty Ann Gross has said to me with regards to her hatred of blacks and also her degrading words she has said about my husband, who is Iranian.

This is just the start.

Barbara Ann Duggan

5:18 AM  

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