Monday, February 23, 2009

Yeagley Admits (Kind of) Rejection by Comanche Council and Chairman

At his white supremacist and apple Indian forum,, Yeagley admitted in his thread on the film Daughter of Dawn what many Comanche already knew:

The Comanche Tribal Council and Tribal Chairman Wallace Coffey completely rejected him and his bid to weasel money out of them.

They join a long line of Comanche people and institutions who want nothing to do with Yeagley or his projects:

Comanche Business Committee
Comanche Nation Constitution Committee
Comanche Nation College (which rejected him twice)
Comanche Nation Film Festival
Comanche Nation Museum

And of course the Comanche Nation as a whole roundly rejected him in a special election for Vice President. Yeagley came in an extremely distant fourth out of four candidates, getting only an incredibly tiny one percent of registered voters.

Yeagley had been begging the Comanche Tribal Council and Chairman for months to pay him for his composing on the old silent film "Daughter of Dawn". It's not known if the Oklahoma Historical Society actually paid him for his work, since the OHS version of the film faces legal issues. Yeagley obtained the composing job because of libel against another composer.

Yeagley has been shamelessly brown nosing Wallace Coffey for months, a complete turn around of his bitter criticism of him. Coffey had publicly praised and saluted actor Rudy Youngblood, long well known in the Comanche community and respected by others on the powwow circuit, after Yeagley led a failed race-baiting campaign accusing Youngblood of having Black ancestry.

The council put off seeing Yeagley til the very end of business. (Perhaps even Yeagley could have realized at that point they wanted nothing to do with him.) and then rejected him. Yeagley, who once was a fixture at council meetings despite being regarded as a joke, has not been back to the council since.

As of now, the film has no score recorded, and no Comanches (outside of the either very naive or deliberately blind Quanah Tachawickah) want anything to do with Yeagley.


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