Saturday, March 31, 2007

Yet Another Native Taunts and Challenges Yeagley to a Debate

From a member of, a board that Yeagley racistly labels "the zoo" because a few of its members are Black/Native mixedbloods:
"yeagley.. open call bro.. I will meet for a lively debate anytime... maybe we can bill it as "Fake Azz Injun Debates Real Wild Indian".... think 'bout it...

downriv was here..."

I would not expect Yeagley to accept. He's been afraid to accept the challenge put forth by his follower John Martin to debate me. He's even been afraid to allow Michelle Shiningelk to post at his forum, routinely kicking out anyone who does not agree with the white supremacy doctrine of his forum. For a time he was so afraid of debate he barred any new applications for membership at his forum.

By all accounts he is not much of a speaker unless the audience is stacked in his favor. In Denver he refused to answer questions from an AIM member and began screaming hysterically that he must be a Communist. Even on Bill O'Reilly he stumbled and muttered incoherently and has never been invited back.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Letters Between LA Times Reporter and Myself

thanks for the feedback...i did speak to brent michael davids but, alas, i only had so much space....but this issue seems like it will be percolating for some time, so i may have a chance to revisit it some day.
glad to see the story prompted an uptick in web traffic!


-----Original Message-----
From: al carroll
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 2:18 PM
Subject: David Yeagley, White Supremacist

Dear Mr Welkos,
Thank you for your article.

You thankfully were evenhanded enough to spend as much of the article questioning Yeagley's heritage and credibility as you did Youngblood's. Your article also exposes in detail Yeagley's childish vindictiveness and includes endorsements of Youngblood and his truthfulness by the Comanche tribal offices and the award givers.

And incidentally, your article gave a big boost to the viewership of and

I wish, though, that you had more accurately called Yeagley what he is, a white supremacist and not a conservative. Yeagley's motive for attacking Youngblood is racism, plain and simple. He is much like the late Forrest Carter, a KKK leader and speechwriter for George Wallace who also posed as Cherokee and wrote Education of Little Tree...

Our sources include Comanche tribal gov't members, historians, activists, and elders. Brent, as a composer, also has contacts within the Native arts community such as musicians who have worked with Yeagley (and pledge to never do so again)...

Yeagley's own words, published by his boss, the notorious David Horowitz, reveal his true nature:

"These days the white woman is expected to humble herself before the darkie."

"Judeo-Christian religion allowed the European Caucasian race to advance above all other people.The darker races now encroach through integration and intermarriage."

"Maybe Hitler was partially right on 'the hated white race' thing."

"Love of race is the only 'saving grace' left in the world."

"The Jew's influence is one that breaks down the white nation ideology."

"Indian men...deserve to be on the bottom of the barrel. They cannot appreciate good will, they are possessed by envy, and have no higher thought than lies."

Yeagley is tied to the following Far Right and white supremacist groups:

National Alliance (Neo Nazi)

Stormfront (Neo Nazi skinheads)- Yeagley has many members of both groups in his forum, A Stormfront member is the moderator of the forum's sections on Jews.

VDARE- anti immigrant and self described as white nationalists. Yeagley wrote articles for them.

Minutemen- anti immigrant vigilantes, mostly white supremacists. Yeagley has a section of his website devoted to support for them.

Gene Expression- Eugenicists who advocate breeding out "inferiors". Yeagley wrote articles for them.

One Nation- anti-Indian and anti sovereignty group, mostly corporate interests. Yeagley wrote articles for them.

And of course David Horowitz's Apparently Horowitz's hatred for ethnic minority causes is so strong he doesn't mind hiring white supremacists, just like he reprinted articles from Jared Taylor (of the eugenics magazine American Renaissance) and gets funding from the Bradley Foundation, the same institution that published The Bell Curve.

Yeagley's forum is dominated by sections entitled The White Race and White Nations.

Other sections focus on hatred for Mexicans and Arabs, with topics like "The Arab Ego-Slavery of the Mind."

Stereotypes pervade even allegedly "pro-white" sections on Italians, Germans, Scots, and Jews. The Jewish section includes Jew-baiting topics like "Clues You Might Be Dealing with a Communist."

In the past Yeagley had a section devoted solely to support for the genocide Serbia's war criminal regime carried out against Bosnian Muslims.

Yeagley also describes himself frequently as an admirer of Hitler, worrying only that the Holocaust might give a bad name to white supremacy.

Even violent threats flourish at his forum. One white racist threatened an anti racist woman that he would have had her father shot.

One of his followers, John Martin, issued death threats against myself and Brent. I'm currently pursuing both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit against Martin.

Since many of the death threats originated on Yeagley's forum with Yeagley's encouragement and perhaps even at his orders, I'm also considering charges or a lawsuit against him.

As you noted, much of the evidence points to Yeagley himself being an imposter.

Kiowa activist Cinda Hughes investigated and found no Comanche had ever heard of him before he became a Professional Token for David Horowitz. FrontPageMag's lawyers threatened the Native American Times, but the NAT pointedly refused to issue a retraction, only noting that he is enrolled. (As I point out frequently,by mistake because his stepmother was Comanche. You can find plenty of evidence of his hatred for his adoptive mother all over

If you look at the birth certificate he posts online, note that the DOB is far earlier than the date the birth was registered, usually a sign of a closed adoption.

Not even his own alleged blood relatives have come forward to defend him in the five years since he became a public figure, not even to say he truly is their relation. Quite the contrary to what happened in Youngblood's case.

He even altered his appearance to look "more Indian" or what he thinks Indians look like.

I hope you will do a follow up or full expose of Yeagley, who in only five years has made himself the most despised man in Indian Country, supplanting Ward Churchill. The two have much in common in sharing highly questionable claims on ancestry, dubious enrollments, and touting their claims of Indianness to support views extremely few Native people agree with.

A cross section of Native (especially Comanche) opinions on Yeagley.

Dr. Al Carroll
Adjunct Professor, History
Alamo Community College District

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Yeagley's Attacks on Rudy Youngblood Backfire

After convincing an LA Times reporter to investigate Youngblood, the reporter spent as much of the article questioning Yeagley's heritage and credibility as he did Youngblood's. The article also exposes in detail Yeagley's childish vindictiveness and includes endorsements of Youngblood and his truthfulness by the Comanche tribal offices and the award givers.

And incidentally, the article gave a big boost to the viewership of and

So in a perverse way, we should thank Yeagley for his continuing incompetence and the way he keeps discrediting himself further.



"'Apocalypto' actor's ancestry questioned
'I am Comanche,' insists Rudy Youngblood, who is being honored by a Native American group.

By Robert W. Welkos
Times Staff Writer

March 28, 2007

....So far, the questions over Youngblood's ancestry haven't been enough to derail plans by First Americans in the Arts, a nonprofit group that honors Native American accomplishments in entertainment, to award him its outstanding new lead actor award at its Beverly Hills soiree on April 14, but David A. Yeagley is not giving up.

"He has no Indian blood in him that anyone can validate," Yeagley said. "[Comanche] officials got scooped up in the thrill of claiming a movie star."

For his part, Youngblood said he can't understand why Yeagley has it in for him.

"It's very hateful and very negative," Youngblood said in a recent phone interview. "He stalks me like he knows me. He's never met me."

Michelle R. Shining Elk, the actor's manager and publicist, calls Yeagley's allegations "off the wall" and in turn accuses Yeagley of falsifying his own background.

Burgeoning career

The controversy comes at a time when Youngblood is being courted by several producers. The actor has received "numerous" scripts and is currently in negotiations on a project, which Shining Elk would not identify except to say it would be even more physically demanding than his grueling role as a man on the run in "Apocalypto. "

Youngblood, who earned acclaim for his work in the action-adventure movie, is represented by Gibson's agent Ed Limato and Jim Osborne at International Creative Management. For his part, Youngblood said, "I don't want the rest of my career to be pursuing Native American roles; I want to be challenged as an actor."

The debate over Youngblood's ancestry highlights the complexity involved when determining what it means to be Native American.

Youngblood's personal website states: "Rudy is from the Tahchawwickah
Comanche family, his father is the late Preston Tahchawwickah. He is
adopted Cree…. Like many Native people, Rudy is an integral part of several Indian families throughout the United States — he is honored to be a part of each of them."

Jolene Schonchin, a spokeswoman for the Comanche Nation in Lawton, Okla., said Youngblood "is not on our tribal rolls, but he does have Comanche blood. His blood comes from his paternal side. His father was a full-blooded Comanche and a prominent member of the Comanche tribe, Preston Tahchawwickah. "

....another of Preston's children, Lance Tahchawwickah, has come out publicly in support of Youngblood, calling him "my brother."

Youngblood told The Times that Preston Tahchawwickah was not his biological father but his ceremonially adoptive father. Regardless, Youngblood said, "I am Comanche. I'm not going to go into names. My tribe knows it. That is all that needs to be said."

Youngblood said his biological mother is Comanche and his biological father is Yaqui, but he declined to identify them further, citing concerns for their privacy.

When contacted by phone, a woman in Belton, Texas, who identified herself as Youngblood's mother said that she is Comanche and that she finds the debate over her son's heritage "hilarious."

The actor said he has used the name "Youngblood" — a family name that he said comes from an uncle — since he was 6. He said he has also used the name Rudy Gonzales, which he said was his stepfather's name.

Youngblood's defenders have blasted Yeagley and question his motives.

"The bottom line is, we don't need to explain anything to him," said
Shining Elk. "Rudy is just his current target."

Heritage dispute

Meanwhile, Yeagley's own American Indian heritage has been questioned by his critics. The website DavidYeagley. org, a forum for anti-Yeagley commentary, claims Yeagley had a Comanche stepmother and "was never raised in Comanche ways and was never taught them."

The Oklahoma-based Yeagley scoffed at the allegations. "Their only defense is to discredit me, saying that I am not an Indian." He said his mother was a Comanche with some Chickasaw, and his father was part German and part English.

Yeagley, whose attacks on Youngblood can be found at his website, has infuriated many Indians with his endorsement of Columbus Day parades and the use of Indian mascots on campuses, something that many Native Americans find offensive. Yeagley's critics often vent against him on, whose similar-sounding Web address is intended to lure surfers away from Yeagley's site.

Donna Talamantes, a trustee of the First Americans in the Arts group, said they have received e-mails and letters from Yeagley and his supporters protesting the group's plan to honor Youngblood at next month's Beverly Hills banquet.

But she says they have no plans to cancel the award.

"We went back and forth, and we believe him to be who he says he is," she said. "We've talked to family members and community members who will vouch for him."

Talamantes lamented that the flap has ensnared a promising young actor. "The sad thing is that as Native Americans, we are the only people in the country who have to prove who we are as native peoples."


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Yeagley Supporter John Martin Issues Yet More Threats

Some people just don't learn. Apparently Martin is so stupid, he won't stop making threats, even though he's facing criminal charges already and getting fired from his job.;act=ST;f=53;t=7061;st=40
"he's (Carroll) on the road to extinction, he's just too maladroit to realize it."

In a conversation with his boss Steve Slawinski, Slawinski vowed to fire Martin after seeing evidence the calls or threats online came during company time.

I'll hold Slawinski to his promise. It's the only way ICPlus can avoid a lawsuit.

On a related note, Martin also saw fit to smear and libel two charities for Native children, World In Our Hands and the Albuquerque Indian Center. I toured Europe two summers ago on a speaking tour, raising several thousand dollars for these charities. I slept on the couches of NAFPS supporters to keep down expenses and gave up the chance to teach that summer to help Native children.

Because Martin has trouble reading (or more likely, just doesn't care about anyone besides himself and Yeagley), he spent several dozens posts falsely accusing me doing the tour for profit.

Attacking a children's charity is a new low, even for Martin or any other Yeagledite.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Fall of John Martin

Fallout from Yeagley's follower John Martin issuing death threats against myself and Brent Michael Davids continues. Martin could not be doing more damage to Yeagley if he were being paid to.

Next post: Did Yeagley Order the Death Threats Against His Critics?

I received this brief response from Steve Slawinski:

"Ski\" - IC Plus Inc." wrote:
To Whom This may Concern:
We have our own in house disciplinary procedures. We are looking into this matter.
Steve Slawinski"

To which I answered:

"Mr. Slawinski,
The police investigators may also be contacting you AND your employees.
I expect your answer by Friday."

I want to make it plain to him that vague claims they are handling it "in house" are NOT enough. If Martin is not fired, I insist on one of the explicit penalties I outlined previously that will make him think twice about issuing more death threats.

Anything less guarantees a civil lawsuit, since the death threats happened on ICPlus company time, computers, and phones.

Over at, there were some nice words of support and some interesting facts uncovered.

"sounds like another person who got booted offa here: Lyin Larry. U sure they aint sockpuppets of each other? bloat ya say? 300 lbs ya say? pretendian ya say? heya Doc...if ya play your cards right may be U can sue Ya need any help riggin some explosives around the perimeter of your parents house?"

(Lyin Larry is Lawrence Sampson, an imposter with a long criminal history who poses as Tennessee AIM.)

Apparently John Martin also went by the name John Michael Swifthawk, posting on many dating sites using old photos, avoiding the ones showing him extremely bloated and overweight now: "I AM AN ENROLLED MEMBER OF THE OGLALA, LAKOTA OUT OF PINE RIDGE, SOUTH DAKOTA. I WAS BORN AND RAISED IN RAPID CITY, S.D. TILL I WAS ABOUT 5. MY FAMILY THEN RELOCATED TO LOS ANGELES, CA, WHERE I CURRENTLY RESIDE."

"Swifthawk" then follows with a New Age story about his "Sioux" grandmother, clumsily making the mistake of using the colonial name for his alleged people.

That brought this further response from EYY:
"dandy...but how do ya get from John Martin to John Michael Swifthawk?he also dont look NDN. he just looks like your garden variety Caliphoniya surferin cutoffs. His biggest prob & the one that causes the Doc trouble w/ him =that hes a Pisces. bummer...they always got there head in the clouds & thereass in a sling"

And from, the same site where Martin screamed childish insults at Michelle Shining Elk through the comments section and left in embarassment after everyone rallied around her, came these comments:

"Fall Of TallSoldier77
March 3rd, 2007
If you missed the brawl between Rudy Youngblood supporter, Michelle Shining Elk, and David Yeagley’s fellow Klansman, Tallsoldier77, make sure to catch up. It was a thing of beauty, by God. Mr. Tallsoldier77 got whipped like George Bush on Scrabble night.
Update: Tallsoldier77 has now taken to leaving death threats on Brent Michael Davids’ answering machine.
Update II: Same with Dr. Al Carroll. Leaving an evidence trail of death threats that even the Boulder DA could track. The guy’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Posted by Benjamin
Filed in David Yeagley

8 Responses to “Fall Of TallSoldier77”
Francis Ponachura Says: March 3rd, 2007 at 5:06 am
Man, fuck that little pussy John. He’s like dealing with a petualant little 13 year-old.

Anonymous Says: March 3rd, 2007 at 2:19 pm
And now TallLooseCannon77 is issuing death threats to Brent Michael David. Predictable, dumb simpleton.

Charley Arthur Says: March 3rd, 2007 at 6:19 pm
What’s he plannin’ t’do, bore the guy to death?
Or does he prefer to inflict death by laughter?

Anonymous Says: March 5th, 2007 at 12:25 pm
Look what dumb Yeagley said today:
“I’ve wanted Indians to take more of an active role in supporting gun ownership. I mean, look what happened to us when we handed over our weapons!”
What a phony with his patriotic baloney. No Indians I know talk or think like that. He thinks the public is so naive. He wants to paint a picture of himself as such a gun toting Indian hero. His veneer is soooo paper thin. Tell us oh wise one: How do Indians or any other people who own guns make society a better place? Be careful with that gun Doc, don’t shoot yourself in the foot!

Anonymous Says: March 5th, 2007 at 3:06 pm
His support of Tallsh*t is unbelieveable. I mean, Tallsh*t puts up a picture of Michelle and her beautiful mother and uses expletives and the Christian Mother loving Yeagly ignores making a comment on this Nasty Tallsh*t, only that he is welcome to tell truths! Damn Him!

Yeagly makes all kinds of claims that others are driving his posters off, its him and him alone that does this. His hatred of the woman, Indian women especially, he knows nothing about being Indian and accuses real Indians of either being too Indian and doing nothing about Indian Issues because they are full bloods and don’t care, or not Indian enough or don’t live on the REZ. With Yeagley you just simply aren’t worth anything or know enough to speak or write unless you are Jew, or Persian or Iranian and lets not leave out the Supreme White!

He has two people on his site that worships the keys he uses (Thundersky & Tallsh*t), no matter how bad he abuses the Native American, they always find something good in what he says. The other one (buzzed up) just simply drools over anything he says(no lie) she once made a statement “he belongs to me, only me”, lusting after something she will never, never, have says her friends. Just as an observer, I think she has a chance, shes young, a virgin, a christian, most likely part Jew, since she says she is a light completed Indian and they get what they want! I wonder what grandma Betty thinks of this. Poor Betty too old for him, but then she can baby sat the baby niece for the Buzz, while she takes Yeagly on a tour of the Sioux Rez. and you know Tallsh*t will be there. It will be interesting to follow the results of this

Anonymous Says: March 5th, 2007 at 3:24 pm
Somenthing is definately wrong with Tallcrap, he comes on after his tyrade and sounds like nothing was ever said or the pictures of Michelle and her mother and the soccer team were never on, yet he is ready to fight for his precious kids, because of another picture. He can do it but you can’t. Sound like he is learning from the best of them Yeagley!

Now Yeagley says his enemies will start harrassing his posters! Yeagly likes the excitement, but its too bad he has to use the bad example of Tallcrap, without this latest crap dropping, Yeagly wouldn’t rate. Makes me wonder what strangers dropping in the house think of the Native American Indian, when a person such as tallcrap claims to be one? Thats Yeagleys’ gamble, and he claims he is against gambling, he does it everyday!"

Monday, March 05, 2007

Letter to Steve Lawinski of ICPlus, Regarding His Employee, John Martin, Sending Death Threats on Company Time in Defense of a White Supremacist

John Martin's Death Threats & Racist Hatepreaching Against Mexicans While on the Job for ICPlus

To Mr. Steve Lawinski of ICPlus,

Included below are the death threats, racist hate preaching, and abusive behavior that your employee, John Martin, committed over a period of several months, using the computers and phones at your business, ICPlus.

Most of this was going on during business hours. Martin admitted online to doing this while at work, as you’ll see below. And you, Mr. Lawinski, admitted to me that you overheard him screaming abuse at my parents on the phone.

I’m sending a copy to Ms. Gefre since she was the one I initially spoke with, and one to Mr. Moreno. He seems to be not only a skeptic, but openly hostile. Rather bizarrely, he has even taken to himself threatening one of the targets of Mr. Martin’s death threats, Brent Michael Davids. I can only draw one of two conclusions:

Either Mr. Moreno is having trouble dealing with the fact that Mr. Martin has posed as his friend for the entire time they’ve known each other while secretly harboring his intense and violent hatred for all Mexicans;
Or Mr. Martin has been abusive, racist, or threatening to Mr. Moreno before and Mr. Moreno is very afraid of Mr. Martin.

The second one would not surprise me, and part of my intent has been to warn you just how dangerous and unstable a lunatic you have working for you. Judging by his conduct towards anyone who dares question his white supremacist beliefs, he is potentially the kind of person who could snap one day and walk into work with an AK-47.

I’m also sending you a cassette tape of the death threats and racist abuse Mr. Martin screamed at my elderly parents. You can hear for yourself him making all those threats. Brent Michael Davids has also posted the phone threats made to him online at in Real Audio. Both of those should remove any doubt that Mr. Martin lied to your face when he denied making the threats.

I have contacted both the police and district attorney’s office in both the jurisdictions of my parents’ home and your company. They are investigating, and I am seeking his prosecution to the fullest extent of the law for his death threats against my parents.

Since Mr. Martin’s motivation for these threats was racist hatred and defense of a white supremacist he greatly admires, David Yeagley, his criminal offenses fall under Hate Crime statutes.

Since Martin made many of these threats, both online and by phone, while at your place of business and employed by you, I hold you responsible for failing to police his conduct while on the job.

I am right now considering whether to seek a civil suit against you and your company.

There are two ways you could remedy this matter.

Fire John Martin.

Or insure that this will never happen at your place of business again. This would mean insuring he has no access to computers or phones along with disciplinary or punitive action taken against him. A one month suspension from work without pay, a cut in his pay by one fourth, and demanding he make restitution by giving a month’s pay to a charity of my choice would be acceptable.

I also insist that John Martin write a formal apology to myself, my parents, Brent Michael Davids, and all others he has threatened and abused online and over the phone, and sign it.

If John Martin is not fired or disciplined, I will go forward with a civil suit against you, your company, and of course John Martin himself.

My intent for any civil suit would not be financial gain, but to punish you for failing to do any corrective action. Any settlement obtained by a civil suit would go to charity. Given John Martin’s intense racist hatred of Mexicans, I think it’d be a nice bit of ironic justice if any money went to Latino civil rights groups.

I’ll give you until this Friday to take action and inform me of what you will do, since you may want to speak with legal counsel.

Naturally I will be posting online this letter and your response to it (or lack of). Already this incident shows up online in searches for your company.

It would be far better if I could tell readers online that you took prompt and decisive action against an employee who was making numerous death threats and preaching racist hatred while on company time.
Dr. Al Carroll
Adjunct Professor
Social & Behavioral Sciences Dept.
St. Phillip’s College

First are the death threats John Martin made online.
He admitted he usually spends his time at work making these kinds of threats and hatepreaching:
“You pissed because I outed your "boy" carrol? LOL. That was too easy and come to think of it rather boring, But hey, I killed an hour at work exposing that fucking little beaner.”

He became pretty notorious for the death threats he constantly made at that got him kicked off there:
“That's pretty good there TS...3 death threats in a month an half...”

(TS is his onscreen name Tallsoldier.)

The same thread had him chanting more death threats:
”Taco-head you are dead!Taco-head you are dead!Taco-head you are dead!Taco-head you are dead!Taco-head you are dead!”

Five death threats that he made online at are listed next, followed by his racist hatepreaching against Mexicans.

Death Threats 1 & 2:;act=ST;f=53;t=6651;st=20
"carrol, I'm going to let my pit-bull "Bam-Bam" tear you apart"

"we will drop a bomb on that little mexican creep, we will frag his ass, and then laugh…it is my mission to seek and destroy that little beaner, the Lakota way. If anyone is offended by my post, well, TOO FUCKING BAD, for you see, it is my destiny to seek and destroy."

Death Threats 3, 4, & 5:;act=ST;f=53;t=6651;st=30
"I will continue to lay down a suppressive fire on this dirty little mexican (carrol)."

"I wish that little taco/headed ,AL CARROL, the supreme beaner were here so I could let "Bam-Bam", my ferocious Pit-Bull rip his greasy butt to shreds. "Bam-Bam" hates bean-heads like the COWARD AL THE "FRAUD HUNTER" CARROL, you big loser, you shit talking little mexican.I put the word out to all my relations in Dakota Country, al carrol is a fucking wetback, who is going to get his balls rammed down his mouth! Come to Dakota Country you sorry piece of taco-grease, your ass is going to get scalped.LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLlBe gone you insignificant, pest, you little mexican cockroach!"

Racist Hatepreaching;act=ST;f=53;t=6651;&#top
"Carrol) is a beaner/Irishman"

"This fucking beaner …I despise the cowardice deeply embedded in his Mexican heart."

"I "outed" the "Fraud-Hunter" for who that beaner really was.";act=ST;f=53;t=6651;st=10
"Thanks to that dirty little mexcian "Fraud-Hunter" those poor Euorpeans must think we Indians are all "Nuage" taco-heads";act=ST;f=53;t=6651;st=20
"That coward "maricone" carrol a.k.a. the "Fraud-Hunter" says I demanded a debate between him ( the taco-head beaner) and Dr. Yeagley…My mexican sucks, maybe the "supreme bean" (carrol) can correct me."
"The little mexican jumping bean never responded…it's sweet that "el beaner" is thinking about me.";act=ST;f=53;t=6651;st=20
"TACO-HEAD: I don't have to rely on govt. hand outs to maintain my explicit agenda of LIES MADE BY, a beaner (you)…Keep trying though you little beaner…What's the matter you littel beaner…You god damned beaners really love to enter my country and make-up your own green-cards."
"Stay just where you are you little beaner, the INS is coming for you…You are nothing more than a "juanny" come lately.
God this is fun."
"If I were you I would make a re-run back to the border ASAP!!!!!!!Too easy Dr. Yeagley, give me some real competion, these little wets, are way too easy to exploit. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!""carrol can pass for an illegal alien, someone better check his green card….Ajibik you stupid monkey…take of that stupid bandana you look like a beaner"

Friday, March 02, 2007

Yeagley Supporter John Martin Issues More Death Threats

Visitors to this archive may remember John Martin as an unbalanced lunatic and imposter posing as a Gulf War veteran who issued several death threats from and several more at At Indianz he was kicked out. At Badeagle, Yeagley at first cheered him on. Then finally the other members of Badeagle had enough and urged him to quit embarassing himself and their forum. Another moderator sternly warned him and threatened to expel him, while others pointed out his many lies.

Martin continues to be determined to make himself and Yeagley look deranged and unstable. He tracked down my PARENTS' home phone number, thinking it was mine, and called six times yesterday.

The first time I happened to be there.

JM: Is Al Carroll there?

AC: Whose calling, please?

JM: Don't fucking worry 'bout it! Is he there?

AC: Aren't you a rude asshole? Go fuck yourself and the whore who made you. Bye now!

Martin sputtered for about a half minute, too surprised at first to even curse back while I laughed at him. Then I hung up, still pretty amused at his failed attempts to sound threatening.

While I went to class, he left five messages on the number's callnotes, each more filled than the last with profanity, racist epithets, death threats, and general childishness. Several things stand out:

1. The guy is just not very bright. He's begging to get locked up. He's basically left EVIDENCE not just once but six times of his crime.

In the message book at, he also admitted to the earlier death threats made both at and at

2. He made a lot of silly racist insults about my being Mexican. But he makes them with a very strong Mexican accent of his OWN.

Judging from the way he talks, he grew up in the barrio surrounded only by other Mexicans. It's quite possible he or his parents spoke Spanish as their first language, not English and certainly not Lakota. He doesn't have the slightest bit of a rez accent from any Lakota rez.

So his last name is not pronounced John MART-en, but John Mar-TEEN, spelled with an accent. Maybe his first name is actually Juan and his mother calls him Juanito.

3. On the fifth phone call he must have finally realized just how stupid he was being. He BEGGED me not to call the cops or his boss at work. Then halfway through the call his begging turned into another death threat if I did call the cops or his boss.

Too bad, Mar-TEEN. The phone company and police already have all the evidence. Be seeing you soon in court. When you threaten my parents, who are in their 70s and have heart problems, you get what you deserve.

Enjoy being locked up.

When you threaten people who have done nothing to you, I will see to it that you are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, not simply for harassment but also for making death threats.

I will NOT be silenced.

I will CONTINUE to expose David Yeagley as the white supremacist and white imposter posing as Comanche that he is.

And I will CONTINUE to expose you as the racist unstable lunatic you are.